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Ph.D. in Translation and Language Sciences (2023-present). Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Advisors: Elisenda Bernal & Alba Milà-Garcia.
M.A. in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (2022-2023). Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Advisor: Janet DeCesaris. Thesis: Neology in English and Spanish. 2005-2015. Lexicological characteristics and lexicographic representation. Score: 9/10, excellent level.
B.A. in Hispanic Philology (2018-2022). Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Advisor: Fan Wu. Project: Un análisis sobre el uso de metáforas bélicas en la atención médica: el ejemplo del discurso político del presidente del Gobierno de España Pedro Sánchez en eL contexto de la COVID-19. Score: 91/100, excellent level.
Pre-doctoral researcher
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2023 – present)
Assistant Editor and Translator
Department of Knowledge Production and Communications Center. UNESCO-ICHEI (2022)